taSk 3 mY idEa foR pErfEcT 1sT daTE

believe me or not....i've never date b4....is it nice?...is it worthy spendg time n money 2gethr?
well....if i'm going to go for da 1st date...these are things i expected be

1. candle light dinner
usually, the nite would be startg wif dinner, candle lite dnner is perfect 2 bring out the romantic feeling between the couple.

2. nice looking bt nt 2 obvious attire
as u cn see in picture above....sumthin this casual will be okay

3. good body odor
raise your hand if you want 2 go out with some1 smelly.....nobody i guess

4. the entire nite is on her
so...make it simple...my idea of perfect 1st date is 2 go out wif women who has a lot of money...

taSk 2 mY faVOrItE mOvIE

actually...a hv a lot of fav movies...but i won't bored u wif my list...instead, i'll suggest u 2 watch these movie if u havn't

1. Hitman
i would say he's the best killing machine ever created

2. p/s i love u
i dunno what 2 say bt this 1 is nice

3. SAW collection
most twisted killer evvveeeeerrrr....n very good games he had


task 1 my favorite song

i don't hv any song that i cn put as favorite, because music.......is just a music....never in my life when music makes me happy or anythin'....but 4 the sake of this blog....i can say that religious songs are good...hahaha

The 30 task challenge

it's a good way to start blogging for me...
i will know what to write about....so thanks alifah for sharing....

but then again....
since i can't on9 everydy...
i want 2 change it a little bit....

Task 1 - Your favorite song
Task 2 - Your favorite movie
Task 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.
Task 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

Task 5 – What makes you different from everyone else?

Task 6 – A song to match your mood.

Task 7 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.

Task 8 – Your dream wedding.

Task 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.

Task 10 – A photo of your favorite place to eat.
Task 11 – A picture of your favorite memory

Task 12 – Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

Task 13 – A picture of your favorite band or artist
Task 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.

Task 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.

Task 16 – Short term goals for this month and why

Task 17 – How you hope your future will be like.
Task 18 – 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex

Task 19 – A picture of something you want to do before you die

Task 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.

Task 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.

Task 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

Task 23 – 15 facts about you.

Task 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.

Task 25 – Who are you?

Task 26 – A photo of somewhere you want to go.

Task 27 – What kind of person attracts you?

Task 28 – In this past month, what have you learned?

Task 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Task 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

kEnapE tetIbE jE aQ nK beR"blOggInG"?

"tgh hr ni kelas prac nav*....lecturer takde la gamak'y...pergi library la cmnih...bley online jap..." bermonologku sendirian di bilik merancang masa depan pada ptg td...

stlh berada di library, tgh sedap2 aq men fb...tiba2 trase ad aura org kuat dtg menghampiri aq dgn jiwa yg tak tenteram....dengan pantas aq menoleh ke arah itu dan mendapati....

halimah rupanya....patut la rse mcm ad aura org kuat....mmg kuat pn org ini kalau tn2 dan pn2 nk tau...

"wahid watpe?" sapa beliau sambil cuba menyembunyikan aura kuatnya.

"tak wat pape, carik resepi nk masak ptg nih" balasku dgn nada agak serius... "knape?"sambungku lagi serentak dgn jari jemariku meminimizekan fb di laptop; tidak mahu kantoi menipu.

"mana dak2 lain?ad nampak ladies lain tak?....rsenye kite je yg dtg ptg nih.."

"ntah....tak nmpak plak...kat kelas kowt....yg ko smangat sgt dtg watpe?"

"sajer2 je....igt nk study sket...tapi tgk takde org study pn...trus tak smangat"

"ye la ko nk study...walhal dh dpt reminder tak dtg kelas...tuh yg gelabah gi library" sindirku dlm hati.
"halimah ad blogkn? best tak wat blog nih?" lain yg aq pikir...lain plak yg kuar dr mulut aq.

"best jgak la...kne try bru tau....knape?wahid nk wat gak ke?

"a'a...tgk cmbest je sme org ad blog....tp tkot takde komitmen plak"

"mula2 halimah pn mcm takde masa...tp lme2 ok...rse seronok plak...wahid buat la jugak"

"patut la ko tak dtg kelas....asek berblog je..." skali lg aq bermonolog...
"rasenye cm nk try la...tp tkot tulis byk2 nnt bkn ad org nk bce.." ayat yg kuar...

"ala...kalo wahid bwat best...mesti la org nk follow...tp kalo tak best mmg org tak nk bce...kalo wahid wat nnt and kalo halimah tak follow mknenye mmg tak best la"

sentap sekjap aq dengar ayat tuh...."ko igt ko pye blog tu best sgt la walaupun ad org follow?"
"tgk la cmne nnti"

itu lah antara perbualan yg mmbuatkn aq rse tercbr untk membina sebuah blog....sampai bilakah akan ia berthan? kita saksikan shj...

hoi halimah....kte tgk nnt spe pye blog lagi best....uwekkk

1st attempt

it's like a trend that people wrote 'bout their mind in the blog....so why don't I, right?....

i've got a lot to say but sumtime i dunno hw 2 express it...I wonder hw people cn write a lot in their blog...huhuhu

wut eva there is...i'm goin' 2 try it....it looks fun....wish me luck on keeping this thin' alive....

p/s i will mix my blog in 2 diff languages...n my english is bad....sori